Choosing the best place to install a backup generator seems easy. In general, it needs to be placed outdoors or on flat ground. While this is indeed true, there are still other factors to consider when installing your generator for it to be safe and to function efficiently.

Where is the best place to install a backup generator and what are the factors you need to consider? Read below.

1. The size of your home generator system.

Generator varies in size. Smaller home backup generators tend to power a limited number of electrical appliances while bigger generators with higher wattage can power an entire home during a power outage.

2. The local code authority requirements.

While a standby home generator should be placed outdoors, there are still some local requirements that need to be followed. Standard requirements include placing the generator 5 feet away from any house opening and 3 feet away from flammable materials.

3. The utility code requirements.

Electric and gas companies in your state will most likely have specific requirements when installing a home generator system. Your generator provider would most likely know about this and will install it following the utility requirements in your state.

4. Flood-free and snow-free area.

A safe and good location should also be an open area that can protect it during floods or snowstorms. Remember that a home generator should open automatically in case of a power outage that usually happens during extreme weather conditions. Putting it in an area where water can seep in easily can potentially damage your unit.

5. Area not accessible by kids.

Home generators exhaust gases with carbon monoxide which can be harmful to the body. It is best to place it in a safe with lesser foot traffic.