Power generators are incredibly useful during power outages or in remote locations where electricity is not readily available. However, ensuring the safe operation of generators is paramount to avoid accidents, injuries, or even fatalities. In this guide, we’ll emphasize crucial safety measures for generator usage, covering topics such as generator placement, ventilation, and carbon monoxide prevention.

Generator Placement

Outdoor placement: always use generators outdoors, in well-ventilated areas, and away from doors, windows, and vents that could allow exhaust fumes to enter buildings.

Elevated surface: place the generator on a dry, level, and stable surface. Avoid setting it on wet or uneven ground to prevent electrical hazards and tip-overs.

Protection from the elements: shield your generator from rain, snow, and other weather conditions using a canopy or generator cover designed for outdoor use.


Adequate airflow: ensure generators have proper airflow for cooling. Never operate them in confined spaces, like garages or basements, as this can lead to carbon monoxide buildup.

Exhaust direction: position the generator so that the exhaust is directed away from occupied areas. Install a flexible exhaust pipe if necessary to redirect fumes safely.

Carbon Monoxide Prevention

CO detectors: install carbon monoxide detectors inside your home or business, especially in sleeping areas, to detect any leaks promptly.

Regular maintenance: keep your generator well-maintained, checking for exhaust system leaks and repairing them promptly.

Never use indoors: emphasize that generators should never be used indoors, including inside garages, basements, or enclosed spaces, as this can lead to carbon monoxide poisoning.

Fuel Safety

Proper fuel storage: store fuel in approved containers away from living spaces and in a well-ventilated area. Label containers clearly, and never store fuel near the generator while it’s running.

Turn off before refueling: always turn off the generator and let it cool down before refueling. Spilled fuel can ignite on a hot generator surface.

Electrical Safety

Grounding: ensure your generator is properly grounded to prevent electrical shock hazards.

Extension cords: use heavy-duty, outdoor-rated extension cords that are in good condition and suitable for the generator’s load.

Generator safety is of paramount importance to protect lives and property. By following these essential safety tips and using the provided checklist, home and business owners can confidently and safely operate their power generators during emergencies and in remote settings. Always prioritize safety to ensure that the convenience of a generator does not come at the cost of health and well-being.